Ancient India History

The Sunga Dynasty (185 BCE – 73 BCE) for Competitive Exams

The Sunga Dynasty was established after the fall of the Mauryan Empire. It played a crucial role in reviving Brahmanical traditions, patronizing Hinduism, and contributing to Indian art and culture. The dynasty is important for exams like UPSC, State PSCs, SSC, and other competitive exams.

1. Origin of the Sunga Dynasty

  • Founded by Pushyamitra Sunga in 185 BCE after assassinating the last Mauryan ruler, Brihadratha Maurya.
  • Pushyamitra was the commander-in-chief (Senapati) of the Mauryan army.
  • The capital remained at Pataliputra (modern-day Patna, Bihar).

2. Important Rulers of the Sunga Dynasty

RulerReignKey Achievements
Pushyamitra Sunga185 BCE – 149 BCEDefeated Indo-Greeks, revived Hinduism, performed Ashvamedha Yajna
Agnimitra Sunga149 BCE – 141 BCECentral character of Kalidasa’s play ‘Malavikagnimitram’
Vasumitrac. 131 BCESuccessfully defended India from Greek invasions
Bhagabhadrac. 110 BCEKnown from Heliodorus Pillar inscription
Devabhutic. 73 BCELast Sunga ruler, assassinated by his minister Vasudeva Kanva (Kanva Dynasty founder)

3. Administration & Society

  • Governance: Followed Mauryan administrative system but with a stronger military focus.
  • Religion: Promoted Brahmanism, but Buddhism also continued under later rulers.
  • Women’s Status: Declined compared to the Mauryan period.

4. Conflicts & Wars

  • Indo-Greek Invasions: Pushyamitra Sunga defeated the Indo-Greek King Demetrius and prevented Greek expansion in India.
  • Kalinga Uprising: Faced revolts from Kalinga but maintained control.
  • Satavahana Conflict: Eventually, the Satavahanas gained strength in the Deccan region.

5. Sunga Dynasty’s Contributions to Art & Culture

(A) Patronage of Hinduism

  • Revival of Vedic rituals (e.g., Ashvamedha Yajna by Pushyamitra).
  • Construction of Hindu temples and idols.

(B) Buddhist Art & Architecture

  • Expansion of the Stupas:
    • Renovation of Sanchi Stupa and Bharhut Stupa.
    • Development of railings, toranas (gateways), and detailed carvings.

(C) Sanskrit Literature

  • Agnimitra Sunga, son of Pushyamitra, is the central figure in Kalidasa’s play Malavikagnimitram.

6. Decline of the Sunga Dynasty

  • Vasudeva Kanva assassinated the last ruler Devabhuti. This led to the rise of the Kanva Dynasty (73 BCE – 28 BCE).

7. Importance of the Sunga Dynasty

  • Stopped Greek expansion into India.
  • Revived Hinduism after Mauryan patronage of Buddhism.
  • Promoted temple architecture and Buddhist stupas.
  • Laid the foundation for the Gupta Empire in terms of cultural development.

8. Sample Questions for Competitive Exams

Prelims-Based Questions (Objective Type)

  1. Who was the founder of the Sunga Dynasty?
    • (a) Agnimitra
    • (b) Vasudeva Kanva
    • (c) Pushyamitra Sunga
    • (d) Demetrius
    • Answer: (c) Pushyamitra Sunga
  2. Which Mauryan ruler was assassinated by Pushyamitra Sunga?
  3. Which Indo-Greek king was defeated by Pushyamitra Sunga?
    • (a) Menander
    • (b) Demetrius
    • (c) Antiochus
    • (d) Diodotus
    • Answer: (b) Demetrius
  4. Which literary work mentions Agnimitra Sunga?
    • (a) Arthashastra
    • (b) Malavikagnimitram
    • (c) Mudrarakshasa
    • (d) Rajatarangini
    • Answer: (b) Malavikagnimitram
  5. Which Buddhist site was renovated during the Sunga period?
    • (a) Amaravati
    • (b) Sanchi
    • (c) Ajanta
    • (d) Nalanda
    • Answer: (b) Sanchi

Mains-Based Questions (Descriptive Type)

  1. Describe the role of Pushyamitra Sunga in defending India from Indo-Greek invasions.
  2. Discuss the contributions of the Sunga Dynasty in art and architecture.
  3. Explain the decline of the Mauryan Empire and the rise of the Sunga Dynasty.

This structured study material will help you in your preparation. Let me know if you need a mind map or a simplified timeline! 🚀

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