Ancient India Art and Culture History

Buddhism for Competitive Examinations

Buddhism is one of the most influential religions in India and the world. It was founded by Gautama Buddha and emphasizes non-violence, meditation, and the Middle Path. It played a crucial role in India’s history, society, and culture. Understanding Buddhism is essential for UPSC, State PSCs, SSC, and other competitive exams.

1. Founder of Buddhism

  • Gautama Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama)
    • Born: 563 BCE in Lumbini (Nepal).
    • Clan: Shakya (Kshatriya class).
    • Father: Suddhodana (King of Kapilavastu).
    • Mother: Mahamaya (Died soon after birth, raised by stepmother Mahaprajapati Gautami).
    • Married to Yashodhara, had a son Rahul.
    • Left home at 29 years (The Great Renunciation).
    • Attained enlightenment at 35 years in Bodh Gaya under the Bodhi tree.
    • Delivered his first sermon (Dharmachakra Pravartana) at Sarnath.
    • Died at 80 years (483 BCE) at Kushinagar (Mahaparinirvana).

2. Core Teachings of Buddhism

The Four Noble Truths (Chaturarya Satya)

  1. Dukkha – Life is full of suffering.
  2. Samudaya – Desire is the cause of suffering.
  3. Nirodha – Suffering can be ended by overcoming desire.
  4. Magga – The Eightfold Path leads to liberation.

The Eightfold Path (Ashtangika Marga)

  1. Right View – Understanding the Four Noble Truths.
  2. Right Intention – Avoiding harmful thoughts.
  3. Right Speech – Speaking truthfully.
  4. Right Action – Avoiding harm to others.
  5. Right Livelihood – Earning a living ethically.
  6. Right Effort – Striving for self-improvement.
  7. Right Mindfulness – Being aware of thoughts and actions.
  8. Right Concentration – Practicing meditation.

Concepts in Buddhism

  • Nirvana: The ultimate goal, liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
  • Anicca: Impermanence (everything changes).
  • Anatta: No permanent self.
  • Karma and Rebirth: Actions determine future births.

3. Sects of Buddhism

Hinayana (Lesser Vehicle)Believes in individual salvation, follows Buddha’s original teachings.
Mahayana (Greater Vehicle)Worships Buddha as a divine figure, believes in Bodhisattvas.
Vajrayana (Diamond Vehicle)Practiced in Tibet, focuses on rituals and mantras.

4. Buddhist Councils

1st Buddhist Council483 BCERajgirAjatashatruCompilation of teachings.
2nd Buddhist Council383 BCEVaishaliKalashokaDivision into Hinayana and Mahayana.
3rd Buddhist Council250 BCEPataliputraAshokaSpread of Buddhism to other countries.
4th Buddhist Council1st Century CEKashmirKanishkaDivision of Mahayana and Hinayana confirmed.

5. Buddhist Literature

Tripitaka (Three Baskets)The most sacred Buddhist texts.
Vinaya PitakaRules for monks and nuns.
Sutta PitakaTeachings of Buddha.
Abhidhamma PitakaPhilosophical interpretations.
Jataka TalesStories about Buddha’s previous births.

6. Spread of Buddhism

  • Emperor Ashoka played a major role in spreading Buddhism across India and Asia.
  • Buddhist monks traveled to Sri Lanka, China, Japan, Tibet, and Southeast Asia.
  • Silk Route helped in the transmission of Buddhist ideas.

7. Buddhist Architecture

Sanchi StupaMadhya PradeshOldest stone structure, Ashoka’s construction.
Ajanta CavesMaharashtraRock-cut caves with paintings.
Ellora CavesMaharashtraMixed Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain caves.
Nalanda UniversityBiharAncient Buddhist learning center.

8. Buddhism vs. Jainism

FounderGautama BuddhaMahavira
Concept of GodNo creator godNo creator god
AhimsaNon-violence but allows self-defenseStrict non-violence
Language of TextsPali & SanskritPrakrit
Monastic RulesLess strictMore ascetic

9. Sample Questions for Competitive Exams

Prelims-Based Questions (MCQs)

  1. Where did Gautama Buddha attain enlightenment?
    • (a) Sarnath
    • (b) Bodh Gaya
    • (c) Lumbini
    • (d) Kushinagar
    • Answer: (b) Bodh Gaya
  2. Which Buddhist council led to the division of Hinayana and Mahayana?
    • (a) First
    • (b) Second
    • (c) Third
    • (d) Fourth
    • Answer: (b) Second
  3. Which text contains the teachings of Gautama Buddha?
    • (a) Vinaya Pitaka
    • (b) Abhidhamma Pitaka
    • (c) Sutta Pitaka
    • (d) Jataka Tales
    • Answer: (c) Sutta Pitaka
  4. What was the main theme of Buddha’s first sermon?
    • (a) Nirvana
    • (b) Ahimsa
    • (c) Four Noble Truths
    • (d) Eightfold Path
    • Answer: (c) Four Noble Truths
  5. Who convened the Fourth Buddhist Council?
    • (a) Ashoka
    • (b) Kanishka
    • (c) Harsha
    • (d) Kalashoka
    • Answer: (b) Kanishka

Mains-Based Questions (Descriptive)

  1. Explain the significance of the Four Noble Truths in Buddhism.
  2. Analyze the role of Ashoka in the spread of Buddhism.
  3. Compare and contrast Hinayana, Mahayana, and Vajrayana Buddhism.
  4. Discuss the contribution of Buddhist architecture in India.

10. Conclusion

  • Buddhism originated in India but spread to many parts of Asia.
  • It teaches non-violence, self-discipline, and meditation.
  • The decline of Buddhism in India was due to revival of Hinduism, invasions, and loss of royal patronage.
  • Today, Buddhism continues to influence philosophy, art, and culture worldwide.

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