
Ghiyasuddin Balban – Detailed Notes

Ghiyasuddin Balban was the ninth ruler of the Mamluk (Slave) Dynasty and ruled Delhi Sultanate from 1266 CE to 1287 CE. He was one of the most powerful rulers of the Slave Dynasty and played a key role in strengthening the Sultanate, suppressing the Turkish nobles (Chihalgani), and defending against Mongol invasions.

Basic Information

Full NameGhiyasuddin Balban
DynastyMamluk (Slave) Dynasty
Ruled From1266 CE – 1287 CE
PredecessorNasiruddin Mahmud
SuccessorMuizuddin Qaiqabad
FatherUnknown (Originally a Turkish slave)
Major ReformsStrong centralization, Suppression of nobles, Military expansion
Major ThreatsMongol invasions, Internal revolts
Death1287 CE (Natural causes)

Early Life & Rise to Power

  • Balban was originally a Turkish slave purchased by Iltutmish.
  • He rose through the ranks due to his military skills and loyalty.
  • Under Nasiruddin Mahmud’s rule (1246-1266 CE), Balban was the Prime Minister (Naib-e-Mamlakat) and held real power.
  • After Nasiruddin Mahmud’s death in 1266 CE, Balban became Sultan of Delhi.

Major Reforms & Policies

1. Strengthening the Sultanate (Theory of Kingship)

  • Introduced the “Theory of Kingship”, declaring the Sultan as God’s representative on Earth.
  • Emphasized absolute monarchy, comparing himself to Persian rulers.
  • Adopted rigid court discipline and Persian customs.

2. Suppression of the Turkish Nobles (Chihalgani)

  • Destroyed the Chihalgani (Group of Forty), a powerful group of Turkish nobles.
  • Eliminated noble families who challenged his authority.
  • Appointed loyal and capable officers instead of hereditary nobles.

3. Strong Military & Defense Against Mongols

  • Strengthened the frontier defenses against Mongol invasions.
  • Maintained a well-trained and disciplined army.
  • Established garrisons and forts in Punjab and Sindh to check Mongol movements.

4. Strict Law & Order (Iron Rule)

  • Adopted a policy of harsh punishments to maintain strict discipline.
  • Appointed spies (Barid system) to monitor nobles and officials.
  • Recovered lost territories and crushed rebellions in Bengal, Awadh, and Sindh.

5. Administrative Reforms

  • Introduced centralized administration, directly controlling provinces.
  • Maintained records of revenue, military, and officials.
  • Reorganized the nobility, ensuring loyalty to the Sultan.

Relations with Mongols

  • The Mongols frequently invaded North India during his reign.
  • Strengthened border defenses in Lahore and Multan.
  • Ensured that Mongols never captured Delhi.

Downfall & Death

  • His eldest son, Muhammad, was killed in a Mongol attack, which deeply affected Balban.
  • He died in 1287 CE due to illness.
  • His weak successor, Muizuddin Qaiqabad, led to the decline of the Mamluk Dynasty.

Significance of Balban’s Rule

  • Destroyed the Chihalgani, strengthening the power of the Sultan.
  • Established a strong and centralized administration.
  • Defended India against Mongol invasions.
  • Laid the foundation for future strong rulers like Alauddin Khalji.

Key Facts for Quick Revision

DynastyMamluk (Slave) Dynasty
Ruled From1266 CE – 1287 CE
PredecessorNasiruddin Mahmud
SuccessorMuizuddin Qaiqabad
Major ReformSuppressed the Chihalgani
Major ThreatMongol Invasions
Death1287 CE (Natural causes)

MCQs on Ghiyasuddin Balban

1. Which Sultan abolished the Chihalgani (Group of Forty)?

A) Iltutmish
B) Razia Sultana
C) Balban
D) Alauddin Khalji
Answer: C) Balban

2. What was Balban’s “Theory of Kingship”?

A) The Sultan is equal to the nobles
B) The Sultan is God’s representative on Earth
C) The Sultan should be elected
D) The Sultan must share power with the nobles
Answer: B) The Sultan is God’s representative on Earth

3. Which region did Balban strengthen to defend against Mongols?

A) Rajasthan
B) Punjab & Sindh
C) Gujarat
D) Odisha
Answer: B) Punjab & Sindh

4. What was Balban’s main policy to control nobles?

A) Giving them more power
B) Strengthening them against the Sultan
C) Suppressing them and ending the Chihalgani
D) Appointing them in important positions
Answer: C) Suppressing them and ending the Chihalgani

5. Who succeeded Balban as the Sultan of Delhi?

A) Alauddin Khalji
B) Nasiruddin Mahmud
C) Muizuddin Qaiqabad
D) Qutb-ud-din Aibak
Answer: C) Muizuddin Qaiqabad

Subjective Questions on Ghiyasuddin Balban

Short Answer Questions (2-5 Marks)

  1. Who was Ghiyasuddin Balban, and when did he rule?
  2. What was Balban’s Theory of Kingship?
  3. How did Balban control the Turkish nobles (Chihalgani)?
  4. What were the major challenges faced by Balban?
  5. Why is Balban considered one of the strongest rulers of the Mamluk Dynasty?

Long Answer Questions (8-15 Marks)

  1. Discuss the major reforms of Balban and their impact on the Delhi Sultanate.
  2. Explain the importance of Balban’s suppression of the Chihalgani.
  3. How did Balban defend India from Mongol invasions?
  4. Compare the administration of Balban with Iltutmish.
  5. What was the impact of Balban’s policies on the stability of the Delhi Sultanate?

These notes are useful for UPSC, SSC, State PSCs, NDA, CDS, and other competitive exams covering Medieval Indian History.

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