Ancient India History

Indus Valley Civilization

Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) – For Competitive Exams

The Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) was one of the world’s earliest urban civilizations. It flourished between 2500 BCE – 1900 BCE, mainly in current-day India and Pakistan. It is also known as the Harappan Civilization because Harappa was the first site discovered in 1921.

Key Features of the Indus Valley Civilization

1. Major Sites and Their Significance

SiteLocation (Present-Day)Key Features
HarappaPunjab, PakistanGranary, citadel, drain system, red sandstone torso
Mohenjo-DaroSindh, PakistanGreat Bath, Granary, Dancing Girl, Pashupati Seal
DholaviraGujarat, IndiaWater reservoirs, three-part city planning
LothalGujarat, IndiaDockyard, warehouse, rice cultivation evidence
KalibanganRajasthan, IndiaPloughed field, fire altars, mudbrick fortification
RakhigarhiHaryana, IndiaLargest Harappan site in India
ChanhudaroSindh, PakistanBead-making factory, no citadel
BanawaliHaryana, IndiaBarley cultivation, oval houses
SurkotadaGujarat, IndiaEvidence of horse remains

2. Town Planning and Architecture

  • Cities were built using baked bricks in a grid pattern.
  • Drainage system was well-planned with underground drains and soak pits.
  • Houses had multiple rooms, private wells, and bathrooms.
  • The citadel (fortified area) housed public structures, while the lower town was for common people.
  • The Great Bath (Mohenjo-Daro) was used for ritual bathing.
  • Granaries stored surplus food grains.

3. Economy and Trade

  • Agriculture: Wheat, barley, peas, sesame, and cotton were grown.
  • Domesticated animals: Cattle, sheep, goats, buffaloes.
  • Trade: The Harappans traded with Mesopotamia, Persia, and Afghanistan.
  • Lothal had a dockyard, indicating overseas trade.
  • Weights and measures: Used a uniform system based on a binary scale.

4. Society and Culture

  • Social structure: egalitarian, with no evidence of kings.
  • Clothing: People wore cotton and woolen garments.
  • Ornaments: Beads, bangles, necklaces, and metal jewelry.
  • Entertainment: Dice, toys, and music instruments like flutes.

5. Religion

  • Pashupati Seal suggests worship of a proto-Shiva figure.
  • Worship of Mother Goddess was common.
  • Sacred symbols like the Swastika were used.
  • Fire altars found at Kalibangan indicate ritual practices.

6. Art and Script

  • Sculptures: The Bronze Dancing Girl (Mohenjo-Daro) and Priest-King statue (Harappa).
  • Terracotta figurines depict animals, humans, and deities.
  • Seals: Made of steatite, used for trade, with animal motifs.
  • IVC script: Pictographic and remains undeciphered.

7. Decline of the Civilization

  • Around 1900 BCE, the Indus Valley Civilization started declining due to:
    • Climate change (droughts, drying rivers like Saraswati).
    • Floods and shifting river courses.
    • Decline in trade with Mesopotamia.
    • Possible invasion by Indo-Aryans (controversial theory).

Important MCQs for Competitive Exams

  1. Which was the first discovered Indus Valley site?
    (a) Mohenjo-Daro
    (b) Lothal
    (c) Harappa
    (d) Kalibangan
    Answer: (c) Harappa
  2. Which of the following sites is known for having a dockyard?
    (a) Harappa
    (b) Mohenjo-Daro
    (c) Lothal
    (d) Kalibangan
    Answer: (c) Lothal
  3. Which Indus Valley site had fire altars?
    (a) Harappa
    (b) Kalibangan
    (c) Chanhudaro
    (d) Rakhigarhi
    Answer: (b) Kalibangan
  4. What type of metal was NOT known to the Harappans?
    (a) Copper
    (b) Bronze
    (c) Iron
    (d) Gold
    Answer: (c) Iron
  5. Which of the following crops was cultivated by the Indus people?
    (a) Wheat
    (b) Barley
    (c) Cotton
    (d) All of the above
    Answer: (d) All of the above
  6. Which city had a unique water management system with reservoirs?
    (a) Mohenjo-Daro
    (b) Harappa
    (c) Dholavira
    (d) Chanhudaro
    Answer: (c) Dholavira
  7. Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of the Indus Valley Civilization?
    (a) Planned cities
    (b) Underground drainage system
    (c) Monumental temples
    (d) Use of standardized weights
    Answer: (c) Monumental temples
  8. What was the main material used in Harappan seals?
    (a) Clay
    (b) Steatite
    (c) Bronze
    (d) Wood
    Answer: (b) Steatite
  9. Which Indus site is the largest in India?
    (a) Lothal
    (b) Dholavira
    (c) Rakhigarhi
    (d) Banawali
    Answer: (c) Rakhigarhi
  10. Which theory is NOT considered a cause of the decline of IVC?
    (a) Floods
    (b) Earthquakes
    (c) Volcanic Eruption
    (d) Aryan Invasion
    Answer: (c) Volcanic Eruption


The Indus Valley Civilization was a highly advanced urban culture. Its planned cities, drainage systems, and trade networks highlight its significance in ancient history. Competitive exam aspirants should focus on major sites. They should also consider town planning, economy, culture, and reasons for decline. This approach will help them have a strong grasp of the topic.

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