Medieval India

Firoz Shah Tughlaq (1351–1388)

Firoz Shah Tughlaq, ruling from 1351 to 1388 CE, emphasized administrative reforms and public welfare while avoiding territorial expansion. He focused on irrigation, infrastructure, and reduced taxes, but faced challenges such as provincial revolts and Mongol invasions. His orthodox religious policies led to communal divisions, contributing to the Tughlaq Dynasty’s decline after his death.

Firoz Shah Tughlaq was the third ruler of the Tughlaq Dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate. He ruled from 1351 to 1388 CE and is known for his administrative reforms, public welfare projects, and religious policies. Unlike his predecessor Muhammad bin Tughlaq, Firoz Shah was mild and practical, focusing on stability rather than expansion.

Basic Information

Full NameFiroz Shah Tughlaq
DynastyTughlaq Dynasty
Ruled From1351 CE – 1388 CE
PredecessorMuhammad bin Tughlaq
SuccessorMuhammad Shah Tughlaq
Major AchievementsInfrastructure Development, Tax Reforms, Public Welfare
Major ChallengesProvincial Revolts, Mongol Invasions, Weak Central Authority
Death1388 CE (Natural causes)

Rise to Power

  • After Muhammad bin Tughlaq’s death in 1351 CE, nobles and religious leaders chose Firoz Shah Tughlaq as Sultan.
  • He inherited a weakened empire, suffering from revolts, economic decline, and Mongol threats.
  • Unlike his predecessor, he did not try to reconquer lost territories but focused on internal stability.

Major Reforms & Policies

1. Administrative & Revenue Reforms

  • Reduced taxes to relieve the burden on peasants.
  • Introduced Jizya tax (tax on non-Muslims) strictly.
  • Stopped harsh punishments (like mutilation) and promoted justice.

2. Public Welfare & Infrastructure

  • Built canals for irrigation, improving agriculture.
  • Established new towns, including:
  • Firozabad (Delhi)
  • Jaunpur (UP)
  • Hissar (Haryana)
  • Constructed mosques, madrasas, and hospitals.

3. Water Management & Canal System

  • Developed the largest canal network of the Sultanate.
  • Built five major canals, including:
  • Yamuna-Ghaggar Canal
  • Satluj-Yamuna Canal
  • Increased agricultural productivity, benefiting farmers.

4. Religious Policies

  • Followed orthodox Islam and enforced Sharia law strictly.
  • Destroyed Hindu temples and imposed Jizya tax even on Brahmins.
  • Gave high positions to Muslim scholars (Ulema).

5. Military & Weak Central Control

  • Did not try to reconquer Bengal, Deccan, and Gujarat, leading to further disintegration of the empire.
  • Mongols continued attacking the northwestern frontiers.

Foreign Relations & Decline of Empire

  • Could not prevent the decline of central authority.
  • Provincial governors became more independent.
  • The empire weakened due to lack of military aggression.

Death & Succession

  • Died in 1388 CE (natural causes).
  • His successors were weak, leading to further decline of the Tughlaq Dynasty.
  • In 1398 CE, Timur (Tamerlane) invaded India, ending the effective rule of the Tughlaqs.

Significance of Firoz Shah Tughlaq’s Rule

  • His focus on administration and public welfare helped improve the empire temporarily.
  • Introduced irrigation and infrastructure projects, boosting agriculture.
  • His religious orthodoxy led to communal divisions.
  • Failure to maintain a strong army and control over provinces led to the eventual downfall of the Tughlaq Dynasty.

Key Facts for Quick Revision

DynastyTughlaq Dynasty
Ruled From1351 CE – 1388 CE
PredecessorMuhammad bin Tughlaq
SuccessorMuhammad Shah Tughlaq
Major PoliciesIrrigation, Tax Reforms, Public Welfare
Major ConstructionsCanals, Firozabad, Jaunpur, Hissar
Death1388 CE (Natural causes)

MCQs on Firoz Shah Tughlaq

1. What was Firoz Shah Tughlaq’s major contribution to infrastructure?

A) Market Control System
B) Canal and Irrigation System
C) Token Currency
D) New Army Formation
Answer: B) Canal and Irrigation System

2. Which city was founded by Firoz Shah Tughlaq?

A) Agra
B) Firozabad
C) Jaipur
D) Lahore
Answer: B) Firozabad

3. How did Firoz Shah Tughlaq handle taxation?

A) Increased taxes heavily
B) Removed all taxes
C) Reduced taxes and enforced Jizya
D) Introduced a new tax on traders
Answer: C) Reduced taxes and enforced Jizya

4. Which empire invaded India after Firoz Shah Tughlaq’s death?

A) Mongols
B) Timur (Tamerlane)
C) Mughals
D) British
Answer: B) Timur (Tamerlane)

5. Why did the Tughlaq Dynasty weaken after Firoz Shah Tughlaq’s rule?

A) Internal revolts and weak successors
B) Mongol Invasions
C) Economic decline
D) Expansion of the Mughal Empire
Answer: A) Internal revolts and weak successors

Subjective Questions on Firoz Shah Tughlaq

Short Answer Questions (2-5 Marks)

  1. What were the administrative policies of Firoz Shah Tughlaq?
  2. How did Firoz Shah Tughlaq improve irrigation and agriculture?
  3. What were the major cities built by Firoz Shah Tughlaq?
  4. Why did the Tughlaq Dynasty decline after Firoz Shah’s death?
  5. How did Firoz Shah Tughlaq’s religious policies affect his rule?

Long Answer Questions (8-15 Marks)

  1. Discuss the major reforms and policies of Firoz Shah Tughlaq.
  2. How did Firoz Shah Tughlaq’s administrative decisions impact the Delhi Sultanate?
  3. Explain the successes and failures of Firoz Shah Tughlaq’s rule.
  4. Compare the policies of Firoz Shah Tughlaq and Muhammad bin Tughlaq.
  5. What were the major reasons for the decline of the Tughlaq Dynasty?

These notes are important for UPSC, SSC, State PSCs, NDA, CDS, and other competitive exams covering Medieval Indian History.

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