History Medieval India

Khilji Dynasty: Rise, Reforms, and Decline

The Khilji Dynasty, established by Jalaluddin Khilji in 1290, is noted for military expansion, administrative and economic reforms. Alauddin Khilji (1296-1316) was its most prominent ruler, known for significant military campaigns and market regulations. The dynasty declined after his death, culminating in its end by Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq in 1320.

The Khilji Dynasty was the second ruling dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate. It was established by Jalaluddin Khilji in 1290 after overthrowing the Slave Dynasty. The Khilji rulers were known for their military expansion, administrative reforms, and economic policies.

1. Important Rulers of the Khilji Dynasty

RulerReignImportant Contributions
Jalaluddin Khilji1290–1296– Founder of the Khilji Dynasty. – Adopted a mild and lenient policy. – Killed by his nephew Alauddin Khilji.
Alauddin Khilji1296–1316Most powerful Khilji ruler. – Expanded empire to Gujarat, Rajasthan, Deccan, and Bengal. – Defeated Mongol invasions. – Introduced market and price control system. – Started the permanent standing army. – Established spy system (Barid-i-Munshi).
Shihabuddin Omar1316– Son of Alauddin Khilji. – Deposed by Malik Kafur.
Qutbuddin Mubarak Shah1316–1320 – Adopted liberal policies. – Assassinated by Khusro Khan in 1320.
Khusro Khan1320– Brief rule, overthrown by Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq, ending the Khilji Dynasty.

2. Major Policies and Reforms of Alauddin Khilji

A. Military Reforms

  • Introduced a large standing army to protect against Mongols.
  • Paid soldiers in cash (Dagh system – branding of horses).
  • Strengthened fortifications in Delhi and borders.

B. Economic and Market Reforms

  • Controlled prices of food, cloth, and daily goods.
  • Established markets (Shahana-i-Mandi).
  • Appointed market inspectors (Muhtasibs) to prevent cheating.

C. Administrative Reforms

  • Ended the Iqta system and brought land revenue under state control.
  • Strengthened spy system (Barid-i-Munshi) to monitor officials.
  • Implemented harsh laws against corruption and rebellion.

D. Military Campaigns

  • Conquered Gujarat (1297), Ranthambore (1301), Chittor (1303), and Malwa (1305).
  • Sent Malik Kafur to invade South India (Deccan Campaigns).
    • Defeated Yadavas of Devagiri.
    • Defeated Kakatiyas of Warangal.
    • Defeated Hoysalas of Dwarasamudra.
    • Defeated Pandyas of Madurai.
  • First Delhi Sultanate ruler to expand into South India.

E. Religious Policies

  • Did not impose Jizya tax on Hindus strictly.
  • Banned private property for nobles to prevent rebellion.
  • Oppressed Hindus and Mongols harshly.

3. Mongol Invasions and Defense

  • Mongols invaded India several times during Alauddin’s reign.
  • Defeated Mongols in 1299, 1305, and 1306.
  • Strengthened border defenses and built Siri Fort in Delhi.

4. Decline of the Khilji Dynasty

  • Alauddin Khilji’s death in 1316 led to chaos.
  • Malik Kafur placed a weak ruler on the throne.
  • Qutbuddin Mubarak Shah ruled briefly but was weak.
  • Khusro Khan assassinated Mubarak Shah but was overthrown.
  • Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq (Tughlaq Dynasty) ended Khilji rule in 1320.

5. Important Monuments of Khilji Dynasty

MonumentBuilt ByLocation
Alai DarwazaAlauddin KhiljiDelhi
Siri FortAlauddin KhiljiDelhi
Hauz Khas (water reservoir)Alauddin KhiljiDelhi
Jamaat Khana MasjidAlauddin KhiljiDelhi

6. Sample Questions for Competitive Exams

Prelims (Objective Type)

  1. Who was the founder of the Khilji Dynasty?
    • (a) Balban
    • (b) Qutb-ud-din Aibak
    • (c) Jalaluddin Khilji
    • (d) Alauddin Khilji
    • Answer: (c) Jalaluddin Khilji
  2. Which ruler introduced market control policies?
  3. Who led the Deccan campaigns under Alauddin Khilji?
    • (a) Malik Kafur
    • (b) Qutbuddin Mubarak Shah
    • (c) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
    • (d) Khusro Khan
    • Answer: (a) Malik Kafur
  4. Which city was the second capital built by Alauddin Khilji?
    • (a) Siri
    • (b) Agra
    • (c) Devagiri
    • (d) Jaunpur
    • Answer: (a) Siri
  5. Who ended the Khilji Dynasty?
    • (a) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
    • (b) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
    • (c) Feroz Shah Tughlaq
    • (d) Babur
    • Answer: (b) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq

Mains (Descriptive Type)

  1. Discuss the military and administrative reforms of Alauddin Khilji.
  2. Explain the economic policies of Alauddin Khilji and their impact.
  3. Describe the Mongol invasions during the Khilji rule and how they were tackled.
  4. Write a note on the Deccan campaigns of Malik Kafur.

7. Conclusion

The Khilji Dynasty was a turning point in Indian history. Alauddin Khilji was one of the most powerful rulers of medieval India, known for his military conquests, economic reforms, and strict administration. His rule strengthened the Delhi Sultanate, but after his death, weak successors led to the dynasty’s decline in 1320.

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