History Medieval India

The Rise and Fall of the Delhi Sultanate’s Slave Dynasty

The Slave Dynasty (also called the Mamluk Dynasty) was the first ruling dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate. It was established by Qutb-ud-din Aibak in 1206 after the death of Muhammad Ghori. The dynasty ruled for 84 years (1206–1290) before being overthrown by the Khilji Dynasty.

1. Important Rulers of the Slave Dynasty

RulerReignImportant Contributions
Qutb-ud-din Aibak1206–1210– Founder of Delhi Sultanate. – Built Qutb Minar (started) & Adhai Din Ka Jhopra. – Died due to a polo accident.
Aram Shah1210–1211– Weak ruler, removed by Iltutmish.
Iltutmish1211–1236Real founder of the Delhi Sultanate. – Completed Qutb Minar. – Introduced Iqta system (land grants). – Recognized as Sultan by the Caliph of Baghdad.
Razia Sultana1236–1240Only female ruler of the Delhi Sultanate. – Overthrown by nobles.
Bahram Shah1240–1242– Puppet ruler, controlled by Turkish nobles.
Alauddin Masud Shah1242–1246– Deposed due to inefficiency.
Nasiruddin Mahmud1246–1266– A religious ruler, power was exercised by Balban.
Ghiyasuddin Balban1266–1287– Strengthened monarchy & administration. – Introduced theory of kingship (divine right). – Suppressed Mewatis & Mongols.
Muizuddin Qaiqabad1287–1290– Weak ruler, killed by nobles. – End of Slave Dynasty, start of Khilji Dynasty.

2. Administration & Policies

A. Political System

B. Military Reforms

  • Iltutmish organized a strong army and defended against Mongol invasions.
  • Balban strengthened the spy system (Barid) and enforced strict law and order.

C. Religious & Cultural Policies

  • The Slave Sultans followed Sunni Islam.
  • Hindu temples were sometimes destroyed, and jizya tax was imposed on non-Muslims.

3. Architecture & Cultural Contributions

Qutb Minar (Started)Qutb-ud-din AibakDelhi
Qutb Minar (Completed)IltutmishDelhi
Adhai Din Ka JhopraQutb-ud-din AibakAjmer
Tombs of Balban & IltutmishBalban, IltutmishDelhi

4. Decline of the Slave Dynasty

  • Weak successors after Iltutmish.
  • Nobles (Turkan-i-Chahalgani) became too powerful.
  • Mongol invasions weakened the empire.
  • Balban’s death in 1287 left no strong ruler.
  • Jalaluddin Khilji overthrew the dynasty in 1290, starting the Khilji Dynasty.

5. Sample Questions for Competitive Exams

Prelims (Objective Type)

  1. Who was the founder of the Slave Dynasty?
    • (a) Balban
    • (b) Qutb-ud-din Aibak
    • (c) Iltutmish
    • (d) Razia Sultana
    • Answer: (b) Qutb-ud-din Aibak
  2. Which ruler introduced the Iqta system?
    • (a) Razia Sultana
    • (b) Iltutmish
    • (c) Balban
    • (d) Qutb-ud-din Aibak
    • Answer: (b) Iltutmish
  3. Who was the first and only female ruler of Delhi Sultanate?
    • (a) Razia Sultana
    • (b) Chand Bibi
    • (c) Durgavati
    • (d) Rani Laxmibai
    • Answer: (a) Razia Sultana
  4. Which ruler introduced the concept of divine kingship?
    • (a) Qutb-ud-din Aibak
    • (b) Iltutmish
    • (c) Balban
    • (d) Alauddin Khilji
    • Answer: (c) Balban
  5. Who was the last ruler of the Slave Dynasty?

Mains (Descriptive Type)

  1. Discuss the contributions of Iltutmish to the Delhi Sultanate.
  2. Explain the administrative structure of the Slave Dynasty.
  3. Analyze the reasons for the decline of the Slave Dynasty.
  4. Write a short note on the cultural contributions of the Slave Dynasty.

6. Conclusion

The Slave Dynasty laid the foundation of the Delhi Sultanate and introduced several administrative, military, and cultural reforms. It was a crucial period in Indian history, marking the beginning of Turkic rule in India. The dynasty declined due to weak rulers and political instability, making way for the Khilji Dynasty in 1290.

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