Timeline of Europeans in India

Here is a timeline highlighting the major European powers and their presence in India:


  • 1498: Vasco da Gama, a Portuguese explorer, reaches Calicut (Kozhikode) on the Malabar Coast, marking the beginning of Portuguese interactions with India.
  • 1510: The Portuguese capture Goa from the Sultan of Bijapur, establishing their foothold on the western coast of India.
  • 1961: India annexes Goa, Daman, and Diu, officially ending Portuguese colonial rule in India.


  • 1602: The Dutch East India Company (VOC) is established, marking the Dutch entry into Indian trade.
  • 1619: The Dutch establish a trading post in Pulicat, followed by other posts in Surat, Nagapattinam, and Cochin.
  • Late 17th century: The Dutch gradually lose their dominance in India to the British East India Company.


  • 1600: The English East India Company is established, initiating English presence in India.
  • 1612: The English establish a factory in Surat, marking their first successful trading post in India.
  • 1757: The Battle of Plassey takes place, enabling the British to gain significant control over Bengal.
  • 1858: The British Crown assumes direct control over India after the Sepoy Rebellion, marking the beginning of British colonial rule known as the British Raj.
  • 1947: India gains independence from British colonial rule.


  • 1664: The French East India Company is established, leading to French presence in India.
  • 1673: The French establish a trading post in Pondicherry (Puducherry) on the Coromandel Coast.
  • 1761: The British defeat the French in the Battle of Wandiwash, significantly weakening French influence in India.
  • 1954: French territories in India, including Pondicherry, are incorporated into the Indian Union.


  • 1620: The Danish East India Company is established, marking Danish involvement in Indian trade.
  • 1620s-1845: The Danish establish a trading post and fort in Tranquebar (Tharangambadi) on the Coromandel Coast.
  • 1845: Tranquebar is sold to the British, ending Danish presence in India.

It is important to note that these dates represent key milestones and do not cover the entirety of European presence and interactions with India, which spanned several centuries.


Certainly! Here are some objective questions along with their answers about the timeline of Europeans in India:

  1. In which year did Vasco da Gama reach Calicut (Kozhikode) in India?
    Answer: Vasco da Gama reached Calicut in 1498.
  2. Which European power captured Goa from the Sultan of Bijapur?
    Answer: The Portuguese captured Goa in 1510.
  3. When was the Dutch East India Company established?
    Answer: The Dutch East India Company was established in 1602.
  4. Which European power gained control over Bengal after the Battle of Plassey?
    Answer: The British gained control over Bengal after the Battle of Plassey in 1757.
  5. In which year did India gain independence from British colonial rule?
    Answer: India gained independence from British colonial rule in 1947.
  6. Which European power established a trading post in Pondicherry (Puducherry) on the Coromandel Coast?
    Answer: The French established a trading post in Pondicherry.
  7. When was Tranquebar (Tharangambadi) sold to the British, ending Danish presence in India?
    Answer: Tranquebar was sold to the British in 1845.
  8. Which European power gradually lost dominance in India to the British East India Company?
    Answer: The Dutch gradually lost dominance to the British East India Company.
  9. Which battle significantly weakened French influence in India?
    Answer: The Battle of Wandiwash significantly weakened French influence in India.
  10. Which European power had a trading post in Surat and other regions of India?
    Answer: The Dutch had a trading post in Surat and other regions of India.
  11. When did the British Crown assume direct control over India?
    Answer: The British Crown assumed direct control over India in 1858.
  12. Which European power established a fort in Tranquebar (Tharangambadi)?
    Answer: The Danish established a fort in Tranquebar.
  13. When were Portuguese territories in India, including Goa, annexed by India?
    Answer: Portuguese territories in India, including Goa, were annexed by India in 1961.
  14. Which European power had the Battle of Plassey?
    Answer: The British had the Battle of Plassey.
  15. When were French territories in India, including Pondicherry, incorporated into the Indian Union?
    Answer: French territories in India, including Pondicherry, were incorporated into the Indian Union in 1954.

Feel free to use these questions for quizzes, assessments, or further exploration of the topic.

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