Composition of the Constitution of India
The Constitution is composed of the Preamble, Parts, Articles, Schedules, and Appendices.
1. Preamble
- The Preamble provides the guiding principles and philosophy of the Constitution.
- It declares India to be a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, and Democratic Republic.
- Ensures Justice, Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity for all citizens.
2. Parts and Articles
The Constitution was originally divided into 22 Parts with 395 Articles. After various amendments, it now has 25 Parts and 470 Articles.
Part | Subject | Articles |
Part I | Union and its Territory | 1-4 |
Part II | Citizenship | 5-11 |
Part III | Fundamental Rights | 12-35 |
Part IV | Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) | 36-51 |
Part IVA | Fundamental Duties | 51A |
Part V | Union Government (President, Parliament, PM, etc.) | 52-151 |
Part VI | State Governments | 152-237 |
Part VII | Repealed | – |
Part VIII | Union Territories | 239-242 |
Part IX | Panchayati Raj | 243-243O |
Part IXA | Municipalities | 243P-243ZG |
Part IXB | Co-operative Societies | 243ZH-243ZT |
Part X | Scheduled & Tribal Areas | 244-244A |
Part XI | Relations between Centre & States | 245-263 |
Part XII | Finance, Property, Trade, and Services | 264-300A |
Part XIII | Trade, Commerce & Intercourse | 301-307 |
Part XIV | Services under Union & States | 308-323 |
Part XIVA | Tribunals | 323A-323B |
Part XV | Elections | 324-329A |
Part XVI | Special Provisions for SCs, STs, and OBCs | 330-342 |
Part XVII | Official Language | 343-351 |
Part XVIII | Emergency Provisions | 352-360 |
Part XIX | Miscellaneous Provisions | 361-367 |
Part XX | Amendment of the Constitution | 368 |
Part XXI | Temporary, Transitional & Special Provisions | 369-392 |
Part XXII | Short Title, Commencement, and Repeals | 393-395 |
3. Schedules
Originally, the Constitution had 8 Schedules, but now it has 12 Schedules after amendments.
Schedule | Subject |
Schedule 1 | Names of States and Union Territories |
Schedule 2 | Salaries of the President, Governors, Judges, etc. |
Schedule 3 | Forms of Oaths and Affirmations |
Schedule 4 | Allocation of Rajya Sabha Seats to States & UTs |
Schedule 5 | Administration of Scheduled Areas & Tribes |
Schedule 6 | Administration of Tribal Areas in Northeast |
Schedule 7 | Division of Powers between Union & States (Union, State, and Concurrent List) |
Schedule 8 | Official Languages of India (22 languages) |
Schedule 9 | Validation of certain laws (related to land reforms) |
Schedule 10 | Anti-Defection Law for MPs and MLAs |
Schedule 11 | Powers of Panchayati Raj Institutions |
Schedule 12 | Powers of Municipalities |
4. Appendices
The Constitution also contains several Appendices, including the texts of various amendments and key provisions.
Features of the Indian Constitution
- Lengthiest Constitution in the world.
- Combination of rigidity and flexibility (can be amended but has a complex procedure).
- Provides Fundamental Rights and DPSPs.
- Parliamentary form of government.
- Federal structure with unitary bias.
- Single citizenship.
- Secular state.
- Independent Judiciary.
This composition ensures that the Indian Constitution is comprehensive, adaptable, and capable of guiding the nation in diverse situations.