India is a federal country where states have their own governments, but some regions are directly governed by the Central Government. These regions are known as Union Territories (UTs). 👉 Part VIII (Articles 239-242) of the Indian Constitution deals with Union Territories. What is a Union Territory? ✅ Union Territories are regions directly governed by […]
Tag: State PCS
The State Government governs a specific state or Union Territory with a legislature and functions similarly to the Union Government, but at the state level. 👉 Part VI (Articles 152-237) of the Indian Constitution deals with the State Government. Structure of State Government The State Government has three main organs, just like the Union Government: […]
The Union Government of India, as defined in Part V of the Constitution, comprises three branches: Executive, Legislature, and Judiciary. The President serves as the nominal head, while the Prime Minister leads the government. Parliament enacts laws and oversees finances, and the Supreme Court ensures justice and protects rights.
The Fundamental Duties are listed in Part IV-A (Article 51A) of the Indian Constitution. These duties outline the moral obligations of every Indian citizen to promote the spirit of patriotism and uphold the unity of India. Key Features of Fundamental Duties ✔ Added by the 42nd Amendment Act, 1976 (on recommendation of the Swaran Singh […]
The Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) are outlined in Part IV (Articles 36-51) of the Indian Constitution. These principles guide the government in making policies for social and economic justice. 👉 DPSPs are not legally enforceable, but they are fundamental in governance. Key Features of DPSP ✔ Inspired by the Irish Constitution (Ireland).✔ Aim […]
Citizenship in India is governed by Part II of the Constitution and the Citizenship Act of 1955, detailing acquisition and loss methods. Citizenship can be acquired by birth, descent, registration, naturalization, and territory incorporation. The Citizenship Amendment Act of 2019 facilitates fast-track citizenship for certain persecuted minorities from neighboring countries.
State Reorganization
India’s territorial structure has evolved significantly since independence, with new states being formed, union territories being reorganized, and boundaries being redrawn. Below is a detailed expansion of these key changes. 1. States Reorganization Act, 1956 – Linguistic Reorganization New States Created in 1956: Old Structure New States Formed Madhya Bharat, Vindhya Pradesh, Bhopal Merged into […]
The Union and its Territory is covered under Part I of the Indian Constitution from Articles 1 to 4. It defines the territorial structure of India and the power of Parliament to alter the boundaries of states and union territories. Key Articles Related to Union and Its Territory Article 1: Name and Territory of India […]
Preamble of the Constitution of India
The Preamble is the introductory statement of the Indian Constitution, which reflects its philosophy, values, and objectives. It was adopted on 26th November 1949 and came into force on 26th January 1950. Text of the Preamble “WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a*SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to […]
The Constitution of India – Composition
The Constitution of India includes the Preamble, parts, articles, schedules, and appendices. Originally with 22 parts and 395 articles, it now has 25 parts and 470 articles. It outlines fundamental rights, directive principles, and a federal structure. Its combination of rigidity and flexibility makes it adaptable to diverse situations.